for parents/carers of neurodivergent children

How to reduce your child’s meltdowns, shutdowns and anxiety by 79% in less than 8 weeks.

Do you answer "Yes" to ANY of these questions:

  • Do you feel like you are treading on egg shells at home?

  • Does your child 'seem fine' at school, but they are experiencing meltdowns or shutdowns when they get home?

  • Is your child struggling with anxiety and 'isn't themselves'?

  • Is your child approaching neurodivergent burnout, or you are worried they might be?

  • Do you want to handle meltdowns/shutdowns with confidence wherever you are?

If you answered "YES" to ANY of these questions then read this (3 minutes).

Because I will show you how to prevent autistic burnout and take positive action to help guide your child from ‘crisis’ to happy and calm in just a few simple steps.

Meaning you’ll avoid isolation, school avoidance, intense and frequent meltdowns, loss of independence, agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house) and sometimes even self harm.

Plus, discover how you can help the school put strategies in place to positively and proactively support your child, so that there's consistency across settings.

This is particularly important at the start of the new term.

So your child will have a much better chance of actually enjoying and thriving at school this year.

And you'll have the calmest beginning of term you've experienced.

Starting: Wednesday 18th September

8pm GMT / 4pm ET

(also available on demand)

Here's what you'll discover in the Harmonious Family programme:

Programme: Starting Wednesday 18th September

8pm GMT / 4pm ET

  • How to reduce the frequency and intensity of meltdowns and shutdowns using my unique neuroaffirming strategies.

  • How to map your child's individual escalation curve using effective retrospective analysis, so that you can detect hidden warning signs before they intensify and your child no longer seems to go from "0 to 100".

  • De-escalate difficult situations, learning to be proactive rather than reactive. Proactive strategies will make sure your child feels understood, valued and supported.

  • Create a harmonious family by improving sibling relationships and looking after your own needs, even when you are short on time and energy.

  • Confidently manage a meltdown or shutdown in any environment. You will have tools ready during a crisis or in the moments before.

  • How to reconnect and set boundaries, using emotion coaching for neurodivergent children. This fosters trust, security and will prevent the same challenges reoccurring.

PLUS you get lifetime access and a 30 day money back guarantee.

What are other families experiences?

Billy (age 7) used to have meltdowns when he got home from school, over seemingly small things. They often escalated into him shouting and throwing, sometimes kicking, hitting and biting his parents. His parents and school had tried many different approaches, but nothing had worked. Now, his family can proactively reduce meltdowns, and if he does become overwhelmed, they can prevent it escalating and reduce how long it lasts.  

Alice (age 12) had disengaged from school and would become very anxious before and after school, leading to meltdowns and withdrawal. She developed severe anxiety and a subsequent sleep disorder which meant she was no longer able to attend school. I worked with her family to recognise her early warning signs and understand what exactly was causing her to feel like this. Her family learnt about burnout and masking and together we were able to create a plan that supported her to get back to feeling like herself again. She began to attend school more regularly and was much happier in herself.  

Alice’s mum “We were at a really low point, and life was incredibly difficult. My daughter was struggling hugely with anxiety and meltdowns were frequent. She was in the grips of autistic burnout, and we hadn't fully realised it. Her meltdowns have all but disappeared now, and we're starting to settle and calm down again."

Alfie (age 2) was struggling with the arrival of his baby brother. He was damaging things, becoming very frustrated and sometimes hitting his parents. He found it particularly difficult when his mum breastfed his baby brother. Together with his parents, we looked at the situation from his perspective and put in positive strategies. This improved family time and especially the relationship between Alfie and his baby brother. His mum was able to breastfeed and Alfie even enjoyed this time, as he had become a vital part of the experience.

Here's what families are saying about the Harmonious Family programme:

And there's more

Plus get these bonuses worth £144:

  • Understanding Autism workshop (Worth £36)

    In this bonus course you will learn more about what autism is. We will talk about social communication differences, information processing and sensory processing. You’ll learn about masking, meltdowns, shutdowns, sensory overload, the positives of being autistic, your rights with regards to schools and the local authority, and what reasonable adjustments you can expect. The course also includes insights from an autistic adult about their experiences in childhood.

  • Understanding ADHD workshop (Worth £36)

    In this bonus course you will learn about ADHD in children and adults. We go through tips to improve concentration and focus, organisation and planning, procrastination and motivation, as well as emotional regulation and rejection sensitivity disorder. The Harmonious Family programme is suitable for all neurodivergent children, not just those who are autistic.

  • Sibling relationships workshop (Worth £36)

    Here we talk about managing the sibling relationship and how to support the child who is not neurodivergent, or the child who needs less support. We talk about managing conflict, how to spend quality time with children, how to build their sibling bond and much more.

  • Supporting a child with pathological demand avoidance (Worth £36)

    In this hugely popular workshop you'll learn how to support your child with pathological demand avoidance (PDA), as different approaches are needed to make sure you keep them on side and help them flourish.

But why is it important to act now...?

Every family is busy and there's always a to do list.

I know there is never a "perfect" time.

But I wonder how much time parents spend treading on egg shells because they are so busy...often busy managing the meltdowns?

Hours, days, weeks...longer?

I wonder how long the right support isn't in place at school which can quickly cause struggles to escalate for children.

But more important than all of that is this....

...A child's wellbeing and the impact of long term struggles with anxiety.

If you do what has been advised and you don't see a reduction in meltdowns/shutdowns then you get your money back.

How does the Harmonious Family programme work?

  • 4 live group mentoring calls across 8 weeks

    I will be with you every step of the way through bi-weekly live group coaching calls. I will give you guidance on your specific situation and you’ll be able to ask your questions in a friendly and confidential environment. You can be on or off camera, you can speak or use the chat function, whatever makes you the most comfortable.  

  • 8 digital workshops 

    Bi-weekly 60 minute workshops on proactive support, understanding autism/adhd, de-escalation, managing a meltdown, communicating with others (eg schools, grandparents), parent and child relationships, parent and child wellbeing and managing sibling relationships.   You’ll discover not just what to do, but the psychology behind it - so you’re clear on WHY it works (and can then replicate the approach whenever you want to for instance, in supermarkets, school transitions, public transport and new challenges in the future).       

  • Access to all recordings  

    All the workshops are recorded, so you can watch them at a time that suits you and refer back to them in the future.       

  • Dedicated email responses, direct between you and me  

    I will be responding to your questions daily so you can get answers to your questions fast, move past stumbling blocks and share the highs (and lows) of your journey! If you can’t make a coaching call then you won’t miss out on dedicated support directly from myself.       

  • Learn alongside other parents in the same position as you  

    You will get to share experiences with myself and other parents during each call. It can feel so isolating as a parent if you don’t yet have that network of others in the same position, so I have created a safe space to share and relate which previous parents have really valued. Plus you’ll learn lots of new and unique ideas.     

  •  A plan tailored to your child  

    By the end of the programme we will have created a plan tailored to your child(ren). This will outline their strengths, triggers, needs and strategies to support them. My wellbeing plans have been used as best practice examples in my local authority, shared with specialist provisions and schools. You will have a plan that you can send to schools and even use for your EHCP, or you can keep it just for you. This plan can grow and develop with them.

  • Lifetime access to course curriculum (and updates)  

    Want to be able to come back and refer to the training at any time in the future? You get lifetime access to all the training so you will always be able to refresh your understanding and stay up to date.

  • 30 day money back guarantee  

    If, at the end of the course you have not gained a better understanding of your child and helped them to reduce their anxiety or meltdowns, then you get your money back. I’m confident that you will improve the bond between you using a positive approach. I just ask that you watch the training, implement the learning and make use of my support throughout the programme.

Here's what people are saying about the Harmonious Family programme

And More...

And More Still...

Spaces Are Limited (MAX 10): Book now!

How to reduce your child’s meltdowns, shutdowns or anxiety by 79% in less than 8 weeks.

Starting Wednesday 18th September 2024

8pm GMT / 4pm ET

Remember you get lifetime access and a 30 day money back guarantee if the programme wasn't everything I promised and everything you hoped it would be.

We can do this together!

Every family is different and unique. ALL families are welcome and pay a price per family, never per adult. So if grandparents want to join or separated parents or step parents you're all welcome.

In 8 weeks you could be looking back having reduced your child’s meltdowns, shutdowns or anxiety by 79%.

Starting Wednesday 18th September

8pm GMT / 4pm ET

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